Thursday 29 September 2011

Would you stand at post?

As you are aware I am twittering like mad and talking to everyone I can about the plight of Ben Parkinson and all those who have served in our forces and have returned home in a different shape to having entered the fray.

It will soon be November, it's only a month away, and the brave stalwarts of the Royal British Legion will be out on the windy and wet streets of Britain selling poppies in aid of those who have served, living or dead. This year more than ever it is important that we all wear our poppies with pride.

Some however will scorn upon this as Britain being warmongers. Politicians are warmongers not soldiers. Soldiers do an amazing job, they stand at post whilst we sleep and say, "We shall keep you safe". Soldiers do not want war, soldiers do not want to kill or be killed. Like everyone else they want to return to their homes, their beds and sleep with loved ones close by in peace.

I hate war, I hate death,my life has always been about preserving life, giving people a better quality of life, physically or psychologically. But if I was asked to do so even if unlikely in my 46th year I would stand at post to protect those things that I hold dear to me. I sometimes sit back and wonder how many others would.

If I were to tell you that one of the best laproscopic camera systems was originally designed by a security agency of a certain nation for spying on people would you not wish for that system to be used on your children if they needed surgery? Thought not. You see here lies a problem. Lots of people have this misguided notion about the nature of the soldier who stands at post yet through that soldier working in a job that people find uncomfortable many breakthroughs have been made. You all love your mobile phones and laptops or PC's well these didn't start life as business tools, all had some form of military application first.

So when those who stand at post are injured we should be grateful to them, we should look after them as they have looked after us and what really upsets me is that after 4 days of almost constant twittering people still seem more interested in Harry Hill's TV Burp than people like Ben Parkinson.

If I were those people I would take a good long look in the mirror and ask myself

Could I do what Ben Parkinson did, could I stand at post?

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