Thursday 13 October 2011

Feed Me!

So the Care Quality Commission published findings today that showed that care for the elderly in UK hospitals is bordering on the dangerous and is illegal in some places.

Is this surprising?

Are we really going to do anything about it?

No on  both counts. It is not surprising in any shape or form except maybe how long it has taken for people to wake up to this. No we are not really going to do much about it due to an apathy and ambivalence to the needs of the people.

Growing up as a child I was wowed by stories of how my relations had fought for this country against the tyranny and evil that was Adolf Hitler. I was then wowed by how the world changed post war in a radical new plan called the welfare state. I really believed that we in the United Kingdom really were leading the world.

The problem was the politicians forgot to plan for the future and then started playing ping pong with it. We allowed big business to ransack the NHS and Politicians to castrate the desire to succeed. And now there are more chiefs than Indians.

But it's not just hospitals. Care in the home is equally as despicable with care companies putting intolerable pressure on their staff who in turn cut corners for little reward. I know a carer who will travel 20 miles to work for 30 minutes to be paid £3 for doing so at 9pm. The companies make massive profits but the quality of care is questionable.

According to a survey recently we are a polite society. I think that this is nonsense and I wonder if we are even a first world society anymore. I really wonder if we care about anyone if they get in our way or become a problem with our lives.

What will we do when it is our turn to sit in the chair, bed or wheelchair. Will we wish we had done more now!

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