Wednesday, 17 July 2013

So you're the worst child in the country - Official!

Yes the coalition are at it again and this one is quite possibly the icing on the cake as far as them wanting an elitist society

     "Children will be ranked in academic ability from the age of 11 for all to see!"

So who is going to tell the poor little mite at the bottom of the league table that they are the thickest individual in the country and for how long will that stigma continue. Well long enough to roll out the mobile gas vans!

Yes this commentator is seeing more about Nazi Germany circa 1933-38 in this country than Great Britain 2012, the land of the Olympics, the land of aspiration and inspiration. I wonder how Danny Boyle would film this. And why didn't he have his National Health Service piece finish on mass murder and burning of the corpses (Oh sorry that's what the coalition would have you believe about the so called failing NHS trusts)

I am genuinely frightened for my child, already shell shocked by the news that Gove has announced the removal of coursework from final exam marks and my twelve year old son's year are the guinea pigs, and wonder should I take him out of the country completely.

When are we going to wake up or have we already sleepwalked our way into a catastrophe so huge that we can no longer escape the black hole that this Government has created.

Billy Joel's song "We didn't start the fire" could so easily be adapted by some clever lyricist at this time and I'm sure we would see words like bedroom tax, close the Trust, take from the sick because it's only fair and just, creeping into the song.

I am British I am proud and I say no more. We didn't build this nation to trample on the ideals of the great reformers. We built this nation to be Great.

Right now it feels more like Little Britain as ruled by Edmund Blackadder without the laughs or irony!

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