Monday, 14 January 2013

The End of Civilisation

A strong title you may say. Yet isn't that what is happening in Great Britain today. In 2013 the year after our diamond 2012 a new order has dawned. Not one from inspiration though, no one of desperation and desolation.

This so called Government of the Big Society is no more a Government of inspiration than Hitler's was a Government for peace.

In the 1980's I watched the dismantling of the coal industry in the UK that led to millions being unemployed with no real hope of a job. I thought that after that we could not get worse. It was bad enough that communities were split apart needlessly. Now we are seeing far worse, we are seeing a great nation, a great civilisation split apart in a similar fashion.

Both the Tories and the Lib Dems have been so hungry for power in this country that they will do almost anything to prevent a loss of that power. Firstly a move to fixed term Government something that in it's essence goes against the whole life-force of democracy. Secondly an attempt to redraw the political battlegrounds that will ultimately favour this type of Government for years to come. Thirdly a complete reversal on the welfare state that sees hard working people needing help from food-banks whilst at the same time we waste half of our food in the world. Fourthly a complete destruction of the National Health Service and the Royal Navy, the two greatest institutions that Britain has given to the world. And fifthly a return to education of the Victorians where propaganda not learning matters.

For Cameron, Osborne, Duncan-Smith and Gove read Hilter, Goering, Himmler and Goebbels only these have an Oxbridge background and are British so they can't possibly be that bad can they? And Clegg? well he has to be Hess, the great apologist.

This Government lives in a cyber world where all that matters are the pounds in the banks and the shares in the city. We do not create jobs in this country we just service the world with our cybertalk. We don't build things anymore here. We import lots of our food, and we subcontract out to emerging nations like India and old giants like China.

Yes we put on a good party like we did last year, but after every great party comes the greater hangover and  when in the depths of that hangover we allow things to happen without watching.

We no longer live in a civilised country, we live in a third world country. Sure we have all that technology can give us,

           but without food in our bellies and shelter over our heads we are no closer to 
           Maslow's self actualisation than stone age man.

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