Friday, 27 April 2012


I have been thinking a lot recently about life, and death and all that lies in between. 11 years ago today I was in a maternity suite in Oxford waiting for my son to be born. I knew he was a boy as I'd been reading ultrasound scans for longer than I could remember. I knew he might not live as he'd been turned due to a wrong presentation and there was a serious risk of cord compression. So there I sat, once again in the John Radcliffe, once again in theatre greens, and I waited.

Years before I had been fortunate enough to deliver my first son. A flu crisis had left the local hospital in Trowbridge with one midwife and three deliveries almost simultaneous deliveries. The midwife said to me you know how to deliver a baby don't you? I said I knew the theory but had never actually done it to which came the reply, 'Well tonight my son you get to practice'

Of all the training I have had over the years nothing quite gets you ready for the amazing sight of a head starting to emerge from a mother. It is totally and utterly awesome and I still find pregnant women so powerfully beautiful, probably because of the incredible thing they are doing.

It made me think of how wonderfully blessed we are when we create life. It reminds me constantly of how insignificant yet unique we are and it inspires me to be the very best that I can be.

But more than anything it humbles me

And today with the gluttony and the greed and the selfishness that I see in this I'm alright Jack world that we live in I think it is so good that there are things powerful enough to do this. As I gaze down upon my sleeping son hoping that we will spend many birthdays together I think to myself how lucky and blessed I am.

Happy Birthday my beautiful son, live long, stay healthy, seek wisdom and above all show grace, kindness and humility in your path through life. And remember you are loved infinitely.

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