Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Did they really die in vain?

The whole purpose of a democracy is that we all have equal say in how things happen. Millions of our citizens have died to protect that very ideal. I want to know did they die in vain?

Why vain? Well with the latest bill on welfare getting it's way through Parliament we have indeed taken a step back. In fact I have to ask have we gone totally retrograde. The mark of a civilised society is it's want and ability to take care of those who most need it's help and make sure that all are equal under law and society.

In forcing terminally ill patients to work we might as well just roll out the mobile gas vans and not pretend about things. How are terminally ill people supposed to work? What economic value will they have to the companies that are supposed to employ them? What employer would take them on except in servitude? And how high on morphine will they be at work and by implications how many mistakes will they make?

As many of you know I suffered a major injury in a car crash which over time has led, as predicted, to a deterioration in my overall health. Has this stopped me from working? No, but I am self employed, if I don't work I don't eat. I did, with all my qualifications, apply for over 2000 jobs in 1997 but you've guessed it not one interview. You see employers have this bit in their minds that says "How reliable is a man with a broken neck?"

And I have to agree. When my pain becomes excessive I have two choices. I can take the opiates and be spaced for a day or I can bite on some leather like they did in Nelson's Navy. Inevitably I chose the latter because I have a child to support who relies upon me, I have older children who need my support but what if I didn't? Pretty quickly I would run out of money. Then I would lose my home. My child would probably end up in care and I would be forced to work  mopping toilet floors. Or maybe worse someone may decide that I am no longer of value to society and decide I need terminating. A son would lose a father and what message would that send to him?

Sounds a bit Orwellian? Of course it does, however that is what I foresee from the latest welfare laws. I will not give in because I am a fighter. There will though be people who will just give in. No say, no voice, no hope.
Suicides may become common place, who knows? One thing is for certain people will suffer.

Is this why people died fighting for democracy. Wasn't Hitler a man who sought to create the perfect race, to destroy any sort of deformity? We need to stop, and rethink. NOW!


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