Thursday, 5 January 2012

In Abbot more trouble

Oh dear Diane you really have caused a stir haven't you. But what's wrong with that? It is totally irrelevant if you have upset a few people or not what is important is that you've got people talking far more successfully than many politicians have done in the last 20 or so years.

I don't believe that the colour of your skin makes you the person you are. I do believe that our society can fundamentally place so much environmental pressure on an individual within a certain part of that society during their formative years that some people eventually do start acting like old fashioned stereotypes. And it is very hard for young people especially to break out of those stereotypes.

Do certain parts of our society try to rule by divide and conquer techniques, yes of course they do it works well. Are he majority of power brokers in Britain white, of course they are. Does that mean all white people work the same way, don't be silly. You can turn this round very easily by looking at India. Do Indian power brokers work the same way? Of course they do. Are Indian power brokers white, of course not they're Indian. In fact that is how power works, in any society in any race. A few people try to rule by dividing the rest. Political systems work the same way, two or maybe three main parties with followers and a few thousand floating voters who ultimately decide who is kept in power. Divide and conquer and no party ultimately carries the majority of the votes, well in the UK anyway.

We need to start thinking in a different way. We need to start working together to improve the planet we live on. We all share the same oxygen, we all bleed red and we all need water. We are human beings we are a single species that is in severe danger of wiping itself out through greed, disease, poverty and power. We strip mine the planet, we watch children starve and die, we build war machines to kill others who do not follow our ideals and yet we still claim that we are great.

Greatness comes from compassion, greatness comes from discovery, greatness comes from growth, greatness comes from unity. If Diane Abbot has done one thing today she has got s talking and got us looking at ourselves and for that I will not castigate her.

If we seek everlasting change, if we seek the human race's improvement, if we truly seek empowerment and survival then we need to learn to work together.

Enough small drops together make a tidal wave  

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