Friday, 30 December 2011

2011 my final thoughts

Well I know I've not been blogging too much recently due to pressure of work so I thought I'd take some time this evening to look back over 2011 and leave you with a few final thoughts,

Firstly I am really shocked about what I read this morning about the abandonment of Liverpool in the 1980's. I was there in the 80's it was my first University and it was without a doubt the time that formed the person who I am today. I met and debated with both Degsy and Ted Heath alike, Austin Mitchel and Matthew Paris were debating there and it was the only student union that was picketed during the miners strike. It was then and is now an incredible place. One week at Anfield the next at Goodison. Liverpool was the city. Music, sport and comedy all came to banish the pain and misery that Yosser was suffering. And I feel ashamed that our so called leaders would have ever thought seriously about abandoning this wonderful place to managed decline. Yes it was a tough city, yes it was in a sad state but I have never found anywhere to compare to a place where compassion and friendship were offered as being part of the normal currency of life. It still is my spiritual home and my heart will always lie there. Gerry you just don't know how true your words were.

This world that we live in has the ability to be so much better. If the financial meltdown has taught us anything it should have taught us that the person next door needs our hand of support and that love is far better than hate.

I am in two minds about 2011. Personally it has been a difficult time for me on several fronts however professionally it has seen me start to move to the next level, particularly with my public image, having appeared in several media debates and programmes connected with alcohol. I think 2012 has the ability to be a much better year though and I look forward to the challenges that it brings.

Whatever has happened to you over the last twelve months and for whatever you hope to happen over the next twelve months I sincerely wish you all that you desire. Whatever you do though remember that love is what makes the world go round, not hate and remember however you do what you seek to do Do it with passion and live life to the full with hope in your heart. 

Happy New Year to all of you.

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