Wednesday, 5 October 2011

If there's a spinner in town, you are going to be bowled over

Firstly with reference to the recent announcement I send my warmest wishes to that greatest of bowlers, most massive of characters and most lovable Australian on the block Mr Shane Warne on sliding into the heart of Liz Hurley and flipping her head over heels with a marriage proposal. Good luck to yer mate may you both be very happy.

Secondly on a far darker note redactors are back in town. Well that's what apparently has happened to the Prime Minister's speech at the Conservative Party Conference. Never have the spin doctors had to work harder giving god knows how many PR executives a third if not fourth ulcer.

Pay off your credit cards!!!!! Who are you kidding David. PPI spring to mind, that little googly has got a lot of people in a spin. Interest rates some 25 percent higher than the Bank of England's base rate and 18 percent plus on the LIBOR rate or LIAR rate as I prefer to call it. How about sorting that one then. A lot of people's minimum payments don't even cover the interest at the moment when base rates have been at their lowest in ....well forever.

Let's face it Prime Minister the whole system is broke, just as Communism failed so too now is Capitalism. We need to start shifting the paradigms (good marketing speak there I hope you noticed). We are not in this together at all and never will be as long as those institutions that have sought to control us are in fact controlled themselves. Yes we need to have a money management system but do we really need to live with the devil for this to be true.

Wake up and realise that the most powerful people in the world, the money machine, have already got you on the back foot scared of wondering if it will be a flipper, a stripper, a dipper, a zipper or a plain old kipper they're going to serve you up.

Spin that to me one more time!

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