Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Something rotten in the State of Denmark

What is the job of the British Prime Minister?

To run the country? To be a leader? What?

The job of the British Prime Minister is simple it is about making sure that his, or her party remain in power. In other words the job of the British Prime Minister is to keep their job!

Now some may say that is a little harsh but history tells us that as soon as the Prime Minister becomes so unpopular that they cannot win a General Election then the babies eat the mummy or daddy!

Thatcher, Blair, Brown,Wilson, Callaghan, Heath and even the great Winston Churchill all suffered the same fate in one way or another.

The problem with politics is that it has become so self obsessed that the system has forgotten that it is not the next five years that matters but the next fifty generations. Sound bites have taken over from sound ideas.

We have real challenges in this country, challenges that can be solved by working together, by unifying.

However with politicians playing games with our future is that likely to happen. Stop thinking about the polls and start doing what is right!

And I don't believe that they have the balls to do it!

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