Thursday, 3 October 2013

Another day, another death another excuse

Today Amanda Hutton was found guilty of the manslaughter of her son Hamza Khan.

Today the soul searching and finger pointing starts.

Today the City of Birmingham were told they are in the last chance saloon as far as protecting the vulnerable children in their city is concerned.

Well here's the truth.

With a system that promotes poor education of officialdom and a system that gets people with little academic and less practical knowledge in to educate those officials are we really surprised?

Take for instance the way that social workers are educated. They are now expected to gain a degree in Social Work before they start practice. However they are often being taught by people with diplomas and no real academic prowess or understanding of people. They may teach them about how forms are filled out or how to cover their own backs but they do not teach true critical reflection or how to look at the reality of what is a really difficult job. And only the enlightened realise that it is about people skills and understanding how people interact that really pass on worthwhile knowledge.

At the same time as that they are sent out on practice placements where they will hardly ever see the blood and guts of a real situation.

This is similar to the way doctors are taught in their first three years.  All book work no people work.

We need to be creative with our thinking we need to have a different idea on how we deal with difficult issues

If one single person had had the courage to do something rather than mess around in teams sharing information and having a few pretty discussions then maybe Hamza, Baby P, Daniel and Victoria may all still be alive today.

Voltaire said it best:

            "With great power comes great responsibility"

We often put masses of power in the hands of individuals that have no idea how to handle it. This needs to be completely rethought. That way we may find a more creative solution to the ills of the world. This way we might learn and this way we may stop such awful situations from arising in the future.